Was on the Twitter machine today, trying to catch up with all my favorite writer news that I've missed in the past week, and I saw the following questions asked of fellow YA fantasy author, Arthur Slade. (Click on the above image to find out Arthur's awesome answer to Jesse's questions. Also, be sure to give Arthur a Twitter follow and check out his books! He rocks!)
Since Arthur was kind enough to open the conversation to other authors' advice, I thought it'd be fun to tackle Jesse's questions too. Oh, and also because I'm nowhere near as good/succinct as Arthur on Twitter. Let's dive in, shall we?
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Judging from the emails I've received, box sets/bundles are all the rage these days.
Aaron wonders if people still say 'all the rage' anymore...no? Oh well. Get off my lawn, you whipper snappers! Anywho, methought box sets/bundling were a grand idea, so I finally got around to putting them together for my two series.... |
Author. Actor. Rascal. Archives
December 2020